best audiobooks

Best Audiobooks: Discover Top-Rated Listens for Every Taste

Have you ever wanted to enjoy a good story but couldn’t because you were busy with chores or driving? Audiobooks are perfect for this. They let you listen to exciting stories while doing other things. If you like romance, non-fiction that gets you thinking, or sci-fi that takes you to space, there is an audiobook for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Audiobooks offer an immersive storytelling experience that allows you to enjoy literature while engaging in other activities.
  • Studies have shown no significant difference in comprehension between reading and listening to books, making audiobooks a convenient and effective way to consume content.
  • You can find audiobooks from a variety of sources, including subscription services, local libraries, and even free platforms like LibriVox.
  • The best way to listen to audiobooks is by using apps or services on your smartphone, allowing you to enjoy them anytime, anywhere.
  • With a vast selection of best-selling audiobooks and hidden gems, there’s no shortage of captivating stories waiting to be discovered.

So, why wait any longer? Enter the world of audiobooks and experience stories in a whole new way. It doesn’t matter if you’re a big reader or just like to listen now and then. You’re bound to find amazing audiobooks that take you on unforgettable adventures.

The Magic of Audiobooks

Audiobooks let you dive into stories with rich tales and vivid acting. This means you can be in a whole new world while doing other things. You can listen to a great story while working out, doing chores, or going to work.

Immersive Storytelling Experience

The best audiobooks are like tickets to another world. They’re filled with great stories and are acted out so well. You get to imagine being part of the story, making it really fun.

Multitasking Made Easy

Audiobooks are great because you can listen and do things at the same time. This works when you’re on the way somewhere, working out, or cleaning the house. It makes every moment more enjoyable.

No Difference in Comprehension

Research shows that how we understand stories is about the same whether we read or listen. So, sometimes, audiobooks can be just as good as reading the book. They make enjoying stories easier and more flexible.

Top-Rated Audiobook Picks

From thought-provoking cultural criticism to gripping firsthand accounts, the audiobooks world has something for everyone. Let’s look at top picks that will grab your interest.

Doppelganger by Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein’s audiobook Doppelganger examines misinformation in depth. It mixes cultural criticism with a study on how we form beliefs. The audiobook lets you dive into Klein’s views on this current issue.

Solito by Javier Zamora

Javier Zamora’s audiobook Solito tells the story of his risky journey as a child from El Salvador to the U.S. border. It gives a powerful firsthand account that pulls listeners in. Zamora’s storytelling truly makes the experience real for listeners.

How to Write an Autobiographical Novel by Alexander Chee

Alexander Chee’s work, How to Write an Autobiographical Novel, discusses the roles of identity in life and art. The audiobook makes Chee’s words hit home, inviting listeners to reflect on these big themes.

best audiobooks for Fiction Lovers

Looking for deep stories? Audiobooks have amazing tales that draw you in. You’ll find rich family dramas and wild sci-fi quests. They make stories pop, letting you meet diverse characters in their worlds.

The Mothers by Brit Bennett

The Mothers by Brit Bennett dives into a secret after a teen gets pregnant by accident. Adenrele Ojo tells the story well, making us think deeply about the characters. It shows how our choices can shape our lives hugely and the power of family ties.

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, read by Ray Porter, is about astronaut Ryland. He wakes up not remembering his mission, with dead crewmates around. It’s an exciting story of survival and a mission to save Earth from space danger.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

In Cinder by Marissa Meyer, Rebecca Soler narrates a different Cinderella story. Cinder is a cyborg, disliked by her stepfamily, in a kingdom battling a plague. It mixes sci-fi with classic fairy tale. You’ll love this fresh take.

Captivating Historical Fiction Audiobooks

Dive into the past with these amazing historical fiction audiobooks. They take you to different times and places. You’ll find fascinating stories, strong characters, and vivid scenes that make history real through sound.

The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo

In The Night Tiger, Yangsze Choo tells a magical story. It’s about a boy in 1930s Malaysia on a mission with a dancehall girl. They must find his master’s missing finger to rest his soul. Choo’s beautiful writing and her own narration make this story come alive.

City of the Lost by Kelley Armstrong

Kelley Armstrong’s book is about a unique place where people can hide completely. Detective Casey Duncan moves to this hidden town in the Yukon where trouble lurks. With mystery and an unusual setting, this audiobook is a thrilling listen.

Audiobooks for Family Sagas

The world of


places exciting stories at your fingertips. You can enjoy rich family sagas that explore deep human themes.

For example, Charmaine Wilkerson’s

Black Cake

and Isabel Allende’s


stand out in this field.

Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson

Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson, voiced by Lynnette R. Freeman and Simone Mcintyre, tells a heartwarming story. It’s about siblings, Byron and Benny, who reunite after their mother’s death.

They start looking into their mother’s past, trying to unravel deep secrets. A mysterious black cake inheritance is at the heart of this journey. The story is made more powerful by the dual voice narration, bringing the family’s ups and downs to life.

Violeta by Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende’s Violeta, narrated by Yareli Arizmendi, paints a grand picture of a woman’s journey. It shows her life through the eyes of private letters. The story spans from the past pandemic troubles to our current COVID-19 world.

It mixes personal and worldwide events, creating a mesmerizing family saga. The audiobook dives into significant moments that altered the protagonist’s path.

Memoirs and Biographies on Audio

The world of audiobooks is full of amazing memoirs and biographies. They take us into the lives of extraordinary people. From funny comedians to fighting activists, these stories help us really get to know these special figures.

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah tells his own story in The Daily Show and his memoir. It’s called Born a Crime. He talks about growing up in South Africa during Apartheid. His Swiss dad and black mother couldn’t be together by law. His moving voice tells a story of strength, finding who you are, and family love.

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Robin Wall Kimmerer, an Indigenous expert on plants, tells Braiding Sweetgrass. The book shares how we can understand nature by listening to it. Her beautiful writing helps us see the earth in a new light. We learn to value and protect nature through her words.

Know My Name by Chanel Miller

Chanel Miller reads Know My Name, her memoir after a terrible event. She talks about being attacked by Brock Turner. Her honest and strong words make her story really hit home. It’s about standing up for what’s right and fighting for justice.

Listening to these memoirs and biographies lets us get close to these incredible stories. We hear about their victories, hardships, and the wisdom they’ve picked up along the way. Trevor Noah’s journey, the nature lessons from Robin Wall Kimmerer, and Chanel Miller’s bravery offer powerful lessons and experiences.

memoirs and biographies

Non-Fiction Audiobook Highlights

Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond is a top choice for those into non-fiction audiobooks. It’s narrated by the skilled Dion Graham. The book digs into a tough question: why does the U.S. have a lot of poverty even though it’s so advanced?

Desmond looks into the past and present to find answers. He shares his findings in a way that’s easy to follow and interesting. The audiobook format makes his insights even more engaging.

Classic Audiobooks Not to Miss

If you’re after a timeless listening experience, look no further than J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, narrated by Rob Inglis, is a gem. Transporting you to Middle-earth, it follows the Fellowship on their quest. Listen to Inglis’ captivating narration that brings the story to life. It’s a top choice for lovers of audiobooks and bestselling audio novels.

classic audiobooks

Tolkien’s work is famous for its detail, characters, and thrilling story. It doesn’t matter if you already love the series or are just starting, with Audible subscription or, you’re in for a treat. This experience will make a lasting impact on your love for books.

Indie Bookstore Recommendations

Indie bookshops, partnered with, suggest an exciting mix of audiobooks. These include the Meryl Streep-narrated Tom Lake and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. These picks highlight the variety and quality of top audiobooks.

Bob, from Zenith Bookstore, loves the book Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. He calls it an “engaging story with great characters”. He shows how audiobooks make these tales come alive. Indie sellers excel at matching readers with the best audio books on Spotify, Scribd audiobooks, and more. They make sure listening to books is an amazing experience.

Listening enthusiasts can find amazing audiobooks with help from these experts. They discover unique finds and bestselling audio novels. Maybe, you’ll find LibriVox free audiobooks or the newest books from These indie store selections open the door to the wide and changing world of best audiobooks.

Audible’s Best of the Year Picks

Each year, Audible picks out the best books for their “Best of the Year” list. They consider what customers say, the reviews given, and their own deep listening. In 2021, Andy Weir’s Project Hail Mary, read by Ray Porter, won. The editors loved how this book joined great talent with a perfect format. They saw it as one of the year’s top audio experiences.

Project Hail Mary is a thrilling story by Andy Weir. It’s about astronaut Ryland Grace waking up without memory on a spaceship full of dead crewmates. Ray Porter’s skillful reading made the book unforgettable. As Audible noted, listening to this story was like being part of a thrilling journey.

Audible also praised a variety of audiobooks in their list, from true stories and historical fiction to powerful facts. The quality and range of these free and popular audiobooks stood out in 2021.

Audiobook Title Author Narrator Genre
Project Hail Mary Andy Weir Ray Porter Science Fiction
The Midnight Library Matt Haig Carey Mulligan Fiction
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents Isabel Wilkerson Robin Miles Non-Fiction
The Four Winds Kristin Hannah Julia Whelan Historical Fiction

For those looking for amazing stories on Spotify, gripping true stories, or timeless favorites, Audible’s list offers great choices.

best audiobooks

Narration that Brings Stories to Life

Audiobooks are unique because they captivate and transport listeners. Talented narrators skillfully bring stories to life. Their engaging reading pulls the audience into the story’s world.

Single Narrator Performances

Some audiobooks shine with a single narrator. They add depth and feeling to the story. Their voice and pacing distinguish characters and set the story’s mood. This technique makes the narrator key in connecting listeners to the tale.

Full Cast Recordings

Then, there are audiobook downloads with a full cast. This style brings a full, multi-voiced performance. Players give each character a unique voice. The dynamic between actors makes the story more dramatic and engaging.

Outstanding narration is what makes the best audiobooks. It doesn’t matter if it’s one or many performers. Good narration turns stories into lively experiences. This makes audiobooks a great way to enjoy literature.

Audiobook Subscription Services

Many people love audiobooks. For them, there are great subscription services around. These services give you a lot of audiobooks to choose from. You can find everything, from bestsellers to those hidden gems.


Audible is the most popular service. They have a big collection of audiobooks, including best sellers. Their mobile app and website make it easy to listen to books. This means you can listen to your favorites anytime, anywhere.


Scribd is also well liked. It’s not just audiobooks but also e-books, magazines, and more. This makes it a good choice for people who like different types of media. focuses on audiobooks. They have a simple-to-use app and lots of top audiobooks. Their setup helps listeners find new favorites smoothly.

Audiobook subscription services

Free Audiobook Resources

If you want to dive into audiobooks but don’t want to pay for a service, there are great free options. LibriVox is a top choice. It relies on volunteers to bring you many public domain audiobooks. This means you can listen to classics and new finds for free.


At LibriVox, you’ll find a wide variety of genres. There’s everything from fiction to poems, all read by dedicated volunteers. You can find both bestselling audio novels and undiscovered treasures. All this is available for free, without a subscription to Audible or any other service.

Local Library Apps

Many public libraries let you borrow audiobooks through an app. This means you can enjoy best sellers audiobooks and more, without spending a dime. Thanks to these library services, like audio books on Spotify and Scribd audiobooks, getting access to the best audiobooks is easier than ever.


Audiobooks offer a wide range of stories for every reader. You can find thrilling fiction or deep non-fiction easily. This makes it simple to jump into a story while doing other tasks. Sites like Audible and apps from your local library have countless choices. You can even get some for free from places like LibriVox.

The world of audiobooks is always growing. People love both popular novels and important non-fiction books. With audiobooks, readers can listen and do other things at the same time. This way, they can catch up on stories in a new, immersive way.

The audiobook world is getting even more interesting. Thanks to new tech and people’s hard work, we can expect amazing stories ahead. This means more ways to enjoy books and broaden our reading experiences.


What are the benefits of listening to audiobooks?

Audiobooks let you dive deep into stories as if you’re in another world. You can do other things like chores or exercise while listening. And did you know, studies say you understand just as much as reading a book.

Where can I find the best audiobooks to listen to?

You have many options for finding audiobooks, with lots available for free. Websites like Audible and apps like LibriVox have a broad selection. Local libraries and apps can also give you access to many audiobooks without cost.

What are some of the top-rated audiobook picks across different genres?

Great choices in non-fiction are “Doppelganger” by Naomi Klein and “Solito” by Javier Zamora. Also, “How to Write an Autobiographical Novel” by Alexander Chee. Fiction lovers will enjoy “The Mothers” by Brit Bennett and “Project Hail Mary” by Andy Weir. Plus, “Cinder” by Marissa Meyer is a hit. Fans of historical fiction should check out “The Night Tiger” by Yangsze Choo and “City of the Lost” by Kelley Armstrong. “Black Cake” by Charmaine Wilkerson and “Violeta” by Isabel Allende are great for family saga fans.

What are some of the best audiobook options for memoirs and biographies?

For memoirs and biographies, you should listen to “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah and “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. “Know My Name” by Chanel Miller is another must-listen. The emotional stories are made even better when read by the authors themselves.

How do audiobook narration styles impact the listening experience?

Good narration really makes an audiobook special, whether it’s one skilled reader or a whole cast. It can turn a good story into a great experience by pulling you right in.

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